Mariana is a self-made entrepreneur with a background in advertising, who rocked a career as a 5 star tour guide and travel concierge before creating Lunfarda Travel.
Living by and for the precept of Tikkun Olam, Mariana tries to “repair the world” by creating and strengthening community, pushing fair trade practices and developing a sustainable tourism agenda.
Mariana loves to develop new products and services, pioneering family-oriented travel in Argentina and Jewish Heritage immersive experiences. Always on the hunt for new talents and products for discerning travelers, she keeps her feet on the ground by still guiding: she believes that’s the best way of keeping in touch with Lunfarda’s guests’ interests and needs.
When she’s not working, you will find Mariana enjoying a local craft brew, cooking barbecues, studying Hebrew or relaxing at home with her tabby cat Gatalunya.